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A deep learning-based approach to recognize passengers’ transport mode and trip phases |
Seyedhassan Hosseini, Guido Gentile, Lory Michelle Bresciani Miristice and Francesco Viti |
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Drone-Based Trajectory Data for an All-Traffic-State Inclusive Freeway with Ramps |
Ankit Anil Chaudhari, Martin Treiber and Ostap Okhrin |
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alpha-fair tradable credit schemes |
Sumaya Nsair, Lina Kattan and William Lam |
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Mean Field Game in Autonomous Lane-Free Traffic |
Kinda Chakas and Lina Kattan |
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A machine learning meta-model for efficient quantification of intersection performance in large-scale urban road networks |
Kevin Yu, Tao Guo, Constantinos Antoniou and Panagiotis Angeloudis |
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A Hybrid Framework of Traffic Simulation and Management for Large-scale Urban Air Mobility |
Canqiang Weng, Can Chen, Tianlu Pan and Renxin Zhong |
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Multi-level Traffic Simulation with Dynamic Simulation Level Assignment for Urban Network |
Yeeun Kim, Seongjin Choi, Sujae Jeon and Hwasoo Yeo |
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Estimating on-board crowding in complex public transport networks from incomplete automatic passenger counts |
Charalampos Sipetas, Claudio Roncoli, Ektoras Chandakas and Ioannis Kaparias |
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A UAV-Based Real-Time Traffic State Estimation System for Urban Road Networks |
Kyriacos Theocharides, Yiolanda Englezou, Charalambos Menelaou and Stelios Timotheou |
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Learning-based Incentive Design for Eco-Driving Guidance |
Jung-Hoon Cho, Muhammad Umar B. Niazi, Siqi Du, Tianyue Zhou, Roy Dong and Cathy Wu |
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Dynamic service operation for collaborative passenger-parcel transport: A deep reinforcement learning based approach |
Yitong Yu and David Z W Wang |
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Intermodal Safety Net for Urban Air Mobility |
Michael Schultz, Ehsan Asadi and Veronika Istvan |
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MobilityCoins — Tradable credits and heterogeneous user groups: effects of allocation and charging schemes in large-scale networks |
Philipp Servatius, Bo Wang, Klaus Bogenberger and Mehdi Keyvan-Ekbatani |
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A Multi-Phase Deep Learning Methodology for Short Term Traffic Flow Prediction |
Panagiotis Karetsos, Evangelos Mintsis and Evangelos Mitsakis |
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Congestion-aware optimization of school start times: A macroscopic approach |
Antonios Georgantas, Stelios Timotheou and Christos Panayiotou |
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Optimization of Subsidized Air Transport Networks using Electric Aircraft |
Sebastian Birolini and Alan Kinene |
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Anupriya Anupriya and Daniel Graham |
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Hierarchical Traffic Signal Coordination with Priority-based Optimization via Deep Reinforcement Learning |
Hyun-soo Kim, Hye-young Tak, Hwapyeong Yu and Hwasoo Yeo |
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Learning augmented vehicle dispatching with slack times for high-capacity ride-pooling |
Youngseo Kim, Vindula Jayawardana and Samitha Samaranayake |
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Piggyback on Idle Ride-Hailing Drivers for Integrated On-Demand and Flexible Parcel Delivery Services |
Yang Liu and Sen Li |
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Optimizing timetable schedules considering non-traffic hour maintenance window on urban rail transit systems |
Yaochen Ma, Hai Wang and Hai Yang |
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ENB-RL: Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning with Explicit Neighbourhood Backtracking for Cooperative Traffic Signal Control |
Yilong Ren, Yizhuo Chang, Zhiyong Cui, Xiao Chang, Han Jiang, Haiyang Yu and Yinhai Wang |
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On the potential of Idle wages to regulate the relationship between ride-hailing platforms and drivers |
Andrés Fielbaum, David Salas, Ruilin Zhang and Francisco Castro |
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Hybrid Simulator for Projecting Synthetic Households in Unforeseen Events |
Marija Kukic and Michel Bierlaire |
Generalizable Implicit Neural Representation As a Universal Spatiotemporal Traffic Data Learner |
Tong Nie, Guoyang Qin, Wei Ma and Jian Sun |
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Spatial Differences in Pedestrian-AV Interactions in Future Urban Environments: A Large-Scale VR Study |
Bilal Farooq, Mohsen Nazemi, Bara Rababah, Daniel Ramos, Thomas Zhao, Hao Yin, Mohammad Sajjad Ansar and Elisabetta Cherchi |
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Understanding Physics and AI Synergy in Car-following Models |
Xinzhi Zhong, Wissam Kontar, Zihao Sheng, Yongju Kim, Sikai Chen, Xiaopeng Li and Soyoung Ahn |
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The day-to-day mode choice analysis under Mobility-as-a-Service bundle subscription |
Manlian Pan, Haoyu Mo and Xiaotong Sun |
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Improving rail infrastructure resilience in station areas through strategic infrastructural changes |
Md Tabish Haque, Jan Eisold and Nikola Bešinović |
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Unjamming urban traffic: data-driven control and actuator selection strategies |
Alessio Rimoldi, Carlo Cenedese, Alberto Padoan, John Lygeros and Florian Dörfler |
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Data-Driven Robust Optimization for Traffic Signal Timing Based on Connected Vehicles: Modeling Variability and Errors |
Chaopeng Tan, Yue Ding, Kaidi Yang, Hong Zhu and Keshuang Tang |
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Exploring Eye Movement Patterns and Driver Cognitive State in Partially Autonomous Driving Simulation |
Yifan Wang, Shixiao Wang, Zhiwu Dong, Chenlei Liao, Xiqun Chen and Der-Horng Lee |
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An Outer-Inner Approximation Method for the Generic Choice-based Optimization Problem |
Haoye Chen, Jan Kronqvist and Zhenliang Ma |
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Empirical Verification that Traffic Flow is on the KPZ Universality Class: Implications for Traffic Congestion |
Garyoung Lee, Jorge Laval, Aryaman Jha and Kurt Wiesenfeld |
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Multimodal Traffic Signal Control via Constrained Deep Reinforcement Learning |
Runhao Zhou, Tobias Nousch, Lei Wei and Meng Wang |
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Joint Planning of Passenger and Freight Trains in High-Speed Railway Express System |
Ji Hangyu, Yin Jiateng, Yang Lixing and D’Ariano Andrea |
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Semi-on-Demand Transit Feeders with Shared Autonomous Vehicles — Service Design, Simulation, and Analysis |
Max T.M. Ng, Roman Engelhardt, Florian Dandl, Vasileios Volakakis, Hani S. Mahmassani and Klaus Bogenberger |
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On numerical investigation of epidemics transport dynamics using a coupled PDE crowd flow – epidemics spreading dynamics model |
Anargiros Delis and Nikolaos Bekiaris-Liberis |
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Traffic accident prediction via three-dimensional convolution autoencoder and victim-party demographic data |
Walden Ip, Adriana-Simona Mihaita and Artur Grigorev |
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Dynamic Motivation: Integrating Psychological Theories of Motivation in Pedestrian Modeling for Bottleneck Scenarios |
Ezel Üsten, Mohcine Chraibi, Anna Sieben and Armin Seyfried |
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Towards Personalized Learning for Traffic Agents in the Driving Environment: Methodological Perspective |
Wissam Kontar, Yongju Kim, Xinzhi Zhong and Soyoung Ahn |
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Activity Scheduling with Deep Generative Models |
Fred Shone and Tim Hillel |
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Psychological Factors in Travel Behaviour Interpretation with Social Media Data |
Yanyan Xu, Neil Yorke-Smith and Serge Hoogendoorn |
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Does Behavioral Adaptation of Human Drivers Affect Traffic Efficiency of Mixed Traffic on Priority T-Intersections? |
Nagarjun Reddy, Narayana Raju, Haneen Farah and Serge Hoogendoorn |
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Nonlinear string stability analysis of car-following models: metastability thresholds and rear-end collisions |
Marcello Montanino, Gaetano Zaccaria and Vincenzo Punzo |
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Bi-level Model Predictive Control of Network-Wide Signal Timing Using Link Transmission Model with Queue Transmission |
Lei Wei and Meng Wang |
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Investigation of in-station coupling and decoupling effect on railway capacity using virtual coupling technique |
Weiting Yang, Yuguang Wei, Tao Han and Chuxuan Hu |
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Causal Impact Inference for Traffic Networks with Graph-Integrated Transfer Entropy |
Junji Ye, Can Li and Fangni Zhang |
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Growth Prediction of Spatio-temporal Congestion Cluster in Metropolitan |
Shaobo Sui, Shiyan Liu and Daqing Li |
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Where do Vulnerable Road Users Go at Automated Unsignalized Intersections? An Analysis of Interactions |
Ziye Qin, Xue Yao, Guoyuan Wu, Zhanbo Sun and Matthew Barth |
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NeuralMOVES: Extracting and Learning Surrogates for Diverse Vehicle Emission Models |
Edgar Ramirez Sanchez, Catherine Tang, Yaosheng Xu, Nrithya Renganathan, Vindula Jayawardana and Cathy Wu |
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Multi-scale model-free perimeter control and local signal control in urban networks |
Dongqin Zhou and Vikash Gayah |
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Optimal Curbside Pricing and Space Allocation for Managing Multi-modal Travelers in Dynamic Networks |
Jiachao Liu and Sean Qian |
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Joint Modelling and Robustness Analysis of Multimodal Transportation and Electricity Networks |
Nicolas Da Silva Fradique, Angelo Furno, Emmanuel Vinot, Nicolas Retiere and Rémy Rigo-Mariani |
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Dynamic system optimal pricing for shared autonomous vehicles in congestible networks: Theoretical properties |
Toru Seo, Ryota Maruyama, Kentaro Wada and Yikai Zhou |
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Adaptive perimeter control of traffic networks with closed-loop data |
Wenfei Ma, Guodong Yang, Yunping Huang, Can Chen and Renxin Zhong |
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Augmented ε-Constraint-Based Optimization for Multi-Objective Multi-Modal Transport Networks Management |
Dingshan Sun, Marco Rinaldi, Simeon Calvert and Victor Knoop |
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Predicting the Environmental Impacts of Changing Global Maritime Freight Flows with Thawing Arctic Sea Ice |
Elise Miller-Hooks, Alireza Azadnia, Wenjie Li and Martin Henke |
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Congestion pricing in multimodal networks: an application of deep reinforcement learning |
Nasser Parishad and Mehmet Yildirimoglu |
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Multi-region perimeter control in complex urban networks: A reinforcement learning approach |
Emmanouil Kampitakis and Eleni Vlahogianni |
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Privacy-Preserving Personalized Pricing and Matching of Ride-Hailing Platforms |
Bing Song and Sisi Jian |
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Recyclables’ Collection Planning using Sensor-based Information for Bin Fill Levels: Methodology and Application |
Tânia Ramos, Diana Jorge, Ana Barbosa-Póvoa and António Antunes |
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Combinatorial reconfiguration problem based on MFD for evacuation management under disasters |
Satoki Masuda and Eiji Hato |
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Game-Theoretical Model of Pricing in Multi-Modal Transportation Systems with Public and Private Players |
Gaurav Malik and Chris Tampère |
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Investigating utility-based walking accessibility: equity across age groups and regions in Hong Kong |
Zheng Liang and Hong Lo |
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Area-based mean speed estimation focusing on loop and sparse trajectory data |
Fei Ge, Mahdi Zargayouna, Allister Loder and Ludovic Leclercq |
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A Study of UTM ConOps for Drone Delivery: Route Network Design & 4D Trajectory Planning |
Xinyu He, Zewen Wang, Bangyan Zhang, Guoquan Huang, Yinian Mao and Lishuai Li |
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Dynamic capacity planning for demand-responsive multimodal transit |
Bernardo Martin-Iradi, Francesco Corman and Nikolas Geroliminis |
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KFI: A novel keyframe interpolation methodology for improving the efficiency of dynamic OD estimation on large urban networks. |
Raghav Malhotra, Chintan Advani, Paul Corry and Ashish Bhaskar |
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Simultaneous Scheduling of Electric Vehicle Charging and Daily Activities |
Senlei Wang, Janody Pougala and Tim Hillel |
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Modeling Crowd-Sourced Spatio-Temporal Flexibility Insights in Origin-Destination Matrices Estimation |
Marisdea Castiglione, Guido Cantelmo, Ernesto Cipriani and Marialisa Nigro |
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Evaluating UAM Route Feasibility in Terminal Airspace via Probabilistic Aircraft Trajectory Prediction |
Jungwoo Cho and Seongjin Choi |
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Generating Practical Last-mile Delivery Routes using a Data-informed Insertion Heuristic |
Hesam Rashidi, Mehdi Nourinejad and Matthew Roorda |
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Priority Pass: Fair and Efficient Signalized Intersection Control |
Kevin Riehl, Anastasios Kouvelas and Michail Makridis |
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A Link-based Recursive Logit Model Integrating Path-Based Attributes in Multimodal Networks |
Sedong Moon, Sunghoon Jang and Dong-Kyu Kim |
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Optimising ghost kitchen location for on-demand delivery by a Markov model for circulating couriers |
Dat Le, Michael Bell, Abdullah Andaryan, Jyoti Bhattacharjya and Glenn Geers |
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Bayesian Inference of Time-varying Origin-Destination Matrices from Boarding/Alighting Counts for Transit Services |
Xiaoxu Chen, Zhanhong Cheng and Lijun Sun |
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Real-Time Multi-Depot Dial-a-Ride Problem Considering Traffic Dynamics and EV Fleet |
Cameron Davis, Cong Quoc Tran, Shang Jiang and Mehdi Keyvan-Ekbatani |
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Sensing Testbed: Decentralized Drone Coordination with Swarm Intelligence and Collision Avoidance |
Chuhao Qin, Callum Lillywhite-Roake, Alexander Robins, Adam Pearce, Hritik Mehta, Scott James, Tsz Ho Wong and Evangelos Pournaras |
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Distributed Adaptive Signal Control based on Shockwave Theory |
Ning Xie and Hao Wang |
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An Optimization Framework for One-way Carsharing Systems with User Acceptance Probabilities |
Seyma Bekli, Burak Boyacı and Konstantinos Zografos |
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Ensemble-Based Fractional Split Multinomial Logit Model: An Application to Work Commute Mode Shares for Localized Transportation Planning |
Srinath Ravulaparthy and Konstadinos Goulias |
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Maximizing Safety in Cycling Networks through Optimal and Gradual Upgrading |
Manuel Campero Jurado, Carlos Canudas de Wit and Giovanni De Nunzio |
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A Continuum Approximation Approach for Electric Vehicle Public Charging Infrastructure Planning |
Yichan An, Soomin Woo and Jinwoo Lee |
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Bayesian optimal UAV trajectory planning for minimising the uncertainty of traffic density estimations |
Yiolanda Englezou, Stelios Timotheou and Christos Panayiotou |
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Mitigating Partial Observability in Adaptive Traffic Signal Control with Transformers |
Xiaoyu Wang, Ayal Taitler, Scott Sanner and Baher Abdulhai |
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Simulation-based network capacity allocation optimization for traffic resilience via enhanced mixed stochastic approximation |
Qing-Long Lu, Yunping Huang, Wenzhe Sun, Jan-Dirk Schmöcker and Constantinos Antoniou |
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Learning Personalized Utility Functions for Drivers in Ride-hailing Systems Using Ensemble Hypernetworks |
Jie Gao, Weiming Mai and Oded Cats |
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EVs and Renewable Energy: Paving the Way for Greener Electromobility Networks |
Carlos Canudas de Wit and Guillaume Gasnier |
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A perturbed utility model with semi-nonparametric perturbation function |
Rui Yao, Xuhang Liu, Mogens Fosgerau and Kenan Zhang |
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Optimal cooperation schemes for last-mile deliveries in cities |
Andrea Montini, Cecilia Pasquale, Silvia Siri and Simona Sacone |
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Emission based signal control optimization on arterials |
Efthymia Kostopoulou, Eleni Christofa and Ioannis Papamichail |
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Real-time Ride-matching and Vehicle Dispatching in a Flexible Mobility-on-demand Bus System |
Mian Wu, Kun An and Wanjing Ma |
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Activity Chain Generation with Dynamic object-oriented Bayesian Networks |
Junji Urata, Yosuke Mochizuki and Eiji Hato |
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Integrated Control of Internal Boundaries and Signal Timing at An Isolated Intersection for Lane-free Traffic of CAVs |
Peng Yang, Yibing Wang and Markos Papageorgiou |
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Assessing the Conditional Value-at-Risk of a train schedule under fuzzy activity duration |
Carlo Meloni, Marco Pranzo and Marcella Samà |
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Structured Tensor RPCA: Anomaly Detection in Traffic Data |
Xudong Wang, Luis Miranda-Moreno and Lijun Sun |
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The Effectiveness of Large Language Models for Textual Analysis in Air Transportation |
Gabriel Jarry, Ramon Dalmau and Philippe Very |
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Short-term bike-sharing demand forecasting incorporating multiple sources of uncertainties |
Jingyi Cheng, Gonçalo Correia, Oded Cats and Shadi Sharif Azadeh |
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Theoretical insights into parking search to guide parking-related policies and smart-parking solutions |
Alexandre Nicolas |
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Modelling riders’ intervention behavior during high-level autonomous driving under extreme conditions: Insights from a VR-enabled simulation study |
Zheng Xu, Nan Zheng, Yihai Fang and Hai L. Vu |
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A Top-to-Bottom Reposition Method for Ride-hailing Platforms |
Taijie Chen, Jingyun Liu, Siyuan Feng and Jintao Ke |
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Enabling stop-and-go wave analysis for massive trajectory data |
Junyi Ji, Derek Gloudemans, Yanbing Wang, Gergely Zachár, William Barbour, Jonathan Sprinkle, Benedetto Piccoli and Daniel Work |
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ChatATC: Large Language Model-Driven Agents for Strategic and Tactical Air Traffic Management and Control |
Sinan Abdulhak, Rajiv Govindjee, Nick Tran, Wayne Hubbard, Karthik Gopalakrishnan and Max Li |
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Train Delay Evolution Model Using Continuous Time Markov Processes |
İsmail Şahin and Mehmet Ş. Artan |
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Multi-Channel Spatio-Temporal Graph Neural Network for bike demand prediction : considering public transport and weather |
Linda Belkessa, Mostafa Ameli, Mohsen Ramezani and Mahdi Zargayouna |
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Towards Human-like Trajectory Prediction for Autonomous Driving: A Cognitive-inspired Lightweight Model |
Haicheng Liao, Yongkang Li, Yanchen Guan, Zhenning Li, Chengyue Wang, Zilin Bian, Ziyuan Pu, Jia Hu and Zhiyong Cui |
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How Useful Can Parking Availability Information Be? |
Cameron Hickert, Sirui Li and Cathy Wu |
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Mitigating traffic congestion via ride-sharing: An optimal ride-matching scheme |
Hossein R. Farahani and Kenan Zhang |
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Vision-language Fusion for Road Marking Detection in Autonomous Driving |
Shaofan Sheng, Nicolette Formosa and Mohammed Quddus |
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Uncertainty-aware framework for real-time traffic incident prediction |
Thanh Tran, Dan He, Jiwon Kim and Mark Hickman |
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Exact numerical solution method for a train eco-driving problem |
Zhuang Xiao, Hongbo Ye and Edward Chung |
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Map Matching of Location Data Trajectories: A Heterogeneous and Bayesian-Optimized Hidden Markov Approach |
Ruohan Li, Chenfeng Xiong, Arash Tavakoli and C. Nataraj |
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Matching and Reallocation Problem of Reserved Parking Considering Unpunctuality: A Two-Phase Approach |
Xiaoyun Wang and Meng Xu |
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Controlling Automated Vehicles on Lane-free Roundabouts via a Nonlinear Controller |
Mehdi Naderi, Athanasios Tsotsos and Markos Papageorgiou |
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Scaling Urban Mobility Transformation: Ride-Sharing Meets Mass Transit |
Danushka Edirimanna, Hins Hu and Samitha Samaranayake |
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A Simulation-based Local Search Algorithm for Real-time Mitigation of Power Peaks in Railway Networks |
Jacob Trepat Borecka, Francesco Corman and Nikola Besinovic |
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Infrastructure-enabled Defense Methods against Data Poisoning Attacks on Traffic State Estimation and Prediction |
Feilong Wang, Xin Wang and Xuegang Ban |
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Leveraging Video-LLMs for Crash Detection and Narrative Generation: Performance Analysis and Challenges |
Ibne Farabi Shihab, Benjir Islam Alvee and Anuj Sharma |
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Emerging from the dark cabin age: sensor-based prediction of passenger boarding times |
Michael Schultz, Oliver Michler, Katsuhiro Nishinari and Eri Itoh |
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Macroscopic Modeling and Optimization of Two-Region Mixed Autonomy Network with Park-and-Ride |
Ziyuan Gu, Yifan Li, Nan Zheng, Wei Ma and Zhiyuan Liu |
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Impact of drivers’ take-over manoeuvres on automated vehicles’ traffic flow dynamics |
Saeed Mohammadian, Zuduo Zheng, Dongyao Jia, Mehmet Yildirimoglu, Andry Rakotonirainy and Shimul Md. Mazharul Haque |
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Formulation of the Parallel Scheduling Vehicle Routing Problem |
Marcella Kaplan and Kevin Heaslip |
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Developing a Personalised End-to-End Optimisation Algorithm for Smart Parking Systems |
Jingshuo Qiu, Yuxiang Feng, Simon Dale, Mohammed Quddus and Washington Ochieng |
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Inland Waterway Freight Demand Forecasting with Spatio-temporal Dynamic Graph Attention-based Multi Attention Model |
Lingyu Zhang, Oliver Schacht and Qing Liu |
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A Load-Dependent Heterogeneous Vehicle Routing Approach for Hybrid Electric Cargo Bicycles Considering Rider Fatigue |
Zahra Nourmohammadi, Bohan Hu, David Rey and Meead Saberi |
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A generalised signal timing scheme at isolated intersections considering multi-modal pedestrian crossings |
Guang Wang, Lijuan Wan, Chunhui Yu and Wanjing Ma |
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Feature importance estimation using clustering and classification for risky driving behaviour |
Tuo Mao, Adriana-Simona Mihaita, Yuming Ou and Fang Chen |
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A stacked ensemble model for traffic conflict prediction in different road environments with multi-modal sensor data |
Bowen Cai, Leah Camarcat, Nicolette Formosa and Mohammed Quddus |
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Path-based Network Signal Coordination Control Optimization: Multi-agent System Modeling |
Jiarong Yao, Chaopeng Tan, Fuliang Li and Keshuang Tang |
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Modeling lane changes using parallel learning |
Yu Han |
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Signal-Free Intersections and Automated Vehicles | A Case Study in Heraklion, Crete, Greece |
Filippos Tzortzoglou and Andreas Malikopoulos |
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An end-to-end predict-then-optimize method for on-demand vehicle relocation in mobile sensing |
Xinyu Wang and Wei Ma |
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Shared Passenger-Freight Transport in Automated Bus Systems: Optimization Model and Solution |
Mohammad Sadrani, Ramandeep Singh and Constantinos Antoniou |
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Optimal design of on-demand feeder services with modular autonomous vehicles |
Xiaoling Luo, Wenbo Fan and Meng Xu |
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Ridesourcing markets with a bundled service option |
Zhengfei Zheng, Hai Yang and Jintao Ke |
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A Spatially Transferable Pedestrian Demand and Network Modeling (STePNet) Framework |
Fatemeh Nourmohammadi, Tanapon Lilasathapornkit, Taha H. Rashidi and Meead Saberi |
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Ramp metering in lane-free vehicular traffic via variable speed limits |
Milad Malekzadeh, Ioannis Papamichail and Markos Papageorgiou |
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Graph attention reinforcement learning for 3D multi-modal automated on-demand delivery system |
Farzan Moosavi and Bilal Farooq |
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Evaluating user preferences and receptivity to shared autonomous vehicles in urban commuting scenarios |
Zhiwu Dong, Ouyang Jinying, Chenlei Liao, Xiqun Chen and Der-Horng Lee |
Using Machine Learning to Estimate Annual Average Daily Traffic by Vehicle Type on Local Roads with High-dimensional Geospatial Data |
Liang Ma, Daniel Graham and Marc Stettler |
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Deep-reinforcement-learning-based Control of Saturated Traffic at Lane-drop Freeway Bottlenecks via Longitudinal and Lateral Trajectory Planning for Limited Connected Vehicles |
Xuanmian He, Yuhang Zhang, Kaiyi Feng, Chunhui Yu and Wanjing Ma |
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Dynamic confirmation, compensation and routing for combined transportation of passengers and parcels |
Yilun Wang and Min Xu |
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Can we trust Microscopic Traffic Simulation Tools for Automated Vehicles Evaluation? A Scenario-Based Survey to Assess Confidence Levels of Simulation Tools Output. |
Hugues Blache, Pierre-Antoine Laharotte and El Faouzi Nour-Eddin |
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A Novel Passenger Travel-time and Destination Distribution Model for Day-ahead Forecasting |
Yiren Liu, Lishuai Li, Yining Dong, Yang Zhao and S Joe Qin |
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Definition of strategies to optimize the platooning of connected automated vehicles on freeways |
Francesc Soriguera, Margarita Martínez-Díaz, Bryce Chao, Seshadri Naik Moode and Marcel Sala |
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Flow-Dependent Facility Location Optimization in Continuous Space for Bike-share Network Design |
Ghazaleh Mohseni Hosseinabadi, Mehdi Nourinejad and Peter Park |
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Detected or undetected, which trips are seen in mobile phone OD data? A case study of the Lyon region (France). |
Eliane Casassa, Latifa Oukhellou and Etienne Côme |
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Large Language Models for Travel Behavior Prediction |
Baichuan Mo, Hanyong Xu, Jung-Hoon Cho, Dingyi Zhuang, Ruoyun Ma, Xiaotong Guo and Jinhua Zhao |
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A Synergistic Approach to Real-Time Crash Risk Estimation at Signalized Intersections: Integrating Learning-Based Anomaly Detection with Extreme Value Theory |
Yukai Wang, Tiantian Chen and Kitae Jang |
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Assessing Driver Decision-Making and Behavior in the Dilemma Zone Across Different Connected Environments: A Driving Simulator Study |
Shi Ye, Tiantian Chen, Oscar Oviedo-Trespalacios, Taeho Oh and Inhi Kim |
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M2NN: Multi-task Multi-view Neural Network Using Congestion Heatmap Imagery for Incident Prediction on Road Segments |
Thanh Tran, Dan He, Jiwon Kim and Mark Hickman |
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Investigating Young People’s Preferences on Demand-Responsive Transportation and Ride-Matching Apps |
Christos Gkartzonikas and Loukas Dimitriou |
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Novel framework to generate a synthetic population with diversities in transport modelling |
Duc Minh La and Hai L. Vu |
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Online operation strategies for crowdsourced mobile charging service |
Yiming Yan, Xi Lin, Yitong Yu and David Z W Wang |
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Discrete Choice-Based Optimization Approach for Dynamic Large-Scale Multi-Compartment Vehicle Routing in Reverse Logistics. |
Mostafa Mohammadi, Golman Rahmanifar, Chiara Colombaroni, Gaetano Fusco and Mostafa Hajiaghaei-Keshteli |
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Enhancing dynamic origin-destination demand estimation with traffic densities captured from high-resolution satellite imagery |
Jiachao Liu, Pablo Guarda, Koichiro Niinuma and Sean Qian |
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Efficient Real-Time CAV Trajectory Optimization at Signal-Free Intersections Using a Greedy-Based Heuristic Approach |
Ramin Niroumand, Fahim Kafashan, Leila Hajibabai, Ali Hajbabaie and Claudio Roncoli |
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Agent based modelling of blended wing body aircraft boarding strategies |
Yuming Dong, Xiaolu Jia, Daichi Yanagisawa and Katsuhiro Nishinari |
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Estimation of Behavioral Asymmetry in Multi-Agent Interaction using Satellite Imagery |
Daichi Ogawa and Eiji Hato |
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Dynamic Lane Configuration: Bridging Traffic Management and Infrastructure Design |
Majid Rostami-Shahrbabaki, Mehdi Keyvan-Ekbatani, Milad Malekzadeh, Klaus Bogenberger and Markos Papageorgiou |
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Stochastic Fundamental Diagram: Calibration and Application |
Giulio Erberto Cantarella, Ernesto Cipriani, Andrea Gemma, Orlando Giannattasio and Livia Mannini |
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A Hierarchical Model for Ascending-Descending Multimodal Itinerary Formation |
Jongho Oh, Yeonwoo Jung, Chungwon Lee and Jinwoo Lee |
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Enhancing Origin-Destination Matrix estimation using measurements from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles |
Yiolanda Englezou, Stelios Timotheou and Christos Panayiotou |
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A Causal, Theory-Informed Framework for Traffic Flow Forecasting |
Panagiotis Fafoutellis and Eleni Vlahogianni |
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A large-scale survey for assessing the influence of modern mobility services and automated driving on the willingness to use park-and-ride |
Martin Stubenschrott, Benjamin Kokoll, Christian Rudloff and Stefan Seer |
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Map-Matching is No Longer Needed: An End-to-End GPS-based Traffic Speed Prediction |
Beiyu Song, Yu Yang, Jiannong Cao, Edward Chung and Kai Chen |
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Potentials of the digital automatic coupling in European rail freight transport |
Raphael Bulteel, Mohammad Al-Mousa, Behzad Kordnejd and Boban Djordjevic |
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Heuristic Approach for Solving Demand Responsive Transport Scheduling Problems |
Hyunsu Park, Shin-Hyung Cho, Donghwa Shin and Shin Hyoung Park |
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Calibrating Traffic Simulation Models with Limited Field Data: A Case Study on New Jersey Turnpike |
Mohammad Bagheri, Bekir Bartin, Kaan Ozbay and Parivash Jamshidi Ghaleh |
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An algorithm to model a parking search considering multiple users in urban areas. |
Maira Delgado-Lindeman, Andres Rodriguez and Jose Luis Moura |
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Learning Eco-driving Strategies that Generalize |
Vindula Jayawardana, Baptiste Freydt, Ao Qu, Cameron Hickert, Edgar Sanchez, Catherine Tang, Mark Taylor, Blaine Leonard and Cathy Wu |
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Potentialities of autonomous modular buses in branched lines with smart control strategies |
Pau Arcas, Miquel Estrada and Hugo Badia |
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Dedicated Gating Strategy for Multi-Variate Traffic Flow Streams |
Ehsan Kamjoo, Fatemeh Fakhrmoosavi and Ali Zockaie |
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Level-1 truck platooning optimisation: methodology and network-wide |
Fulvio Simonelli, Marcello Montanino, Andrea Papola, Vincenzo Punzo and Vittorio Marzano |
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Ship routing in Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas |
Angela Di Febbraro, Davide Giglio and Roberto Ronco |
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Hysteresis in Freeway Travel Time Variability |
Alexander Hammerl, Ravi Seshadri, Thomas Kjær Rasmussen and Otto Anker Nielsen |
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A Federated Learning-Based Traffic Prediction Approach with Graph Spatial Information Aggregation Mechanism |
Xiamei Wen, Megha Khosla and Serge Hoogendoorn |
A two-stage stochastic optimization model for sidewalk robot food delivery systems |
Yuchen Du, Hai Yang, Joseph Chow and Tho Le |
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A Machine Learning-Enhanced Column Generation for Vaccine Distribution |
Kuangying Li, Hiruni Niwunhella, Ali Hajbabaie and Leila Hajibabai |
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Integrating an actuated signal control policy with queue-based green light optimal speed advisory (Q-GLOSA) systems |
Dohyeon Kim, Sooncheon Hwang, Jihye Byun, Dongmin Lee, Wai Wong and Seunghyeon Lee |
Collaborating Without Compromising Privacy: Traffic Signal Control via Vertical Federated Reinforcement Learning |
Qiqing Wang, Chaopeng Tan and Kaidi Yang |
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AI-powered transit simulator: integration between microscopic simulation and machine learning to enhance scalability at reduced cost |
Mustafa Rezazada, Neema Nassir, Egemen Tanin and Avishai Ceder |
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A hybrid traffic flow model for large-scale federated networks |
Alessio Tesone, Waheed Imran, Facundo Storani, Roberta Di Pace, Luigi Pariota, Stefano de Luca and Gennaro Bifulco |
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Optimal demand-responsive connector design: Comparing a fully-flexible routing strategy and a semi-flexible routing strategy |
Li Zhen and Weihua Gu |
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Optimization-Based Autonomous Intersection Management: A Real-World Simulation Study |
Tanja Niels, Klaus Bogenberger, Markos Papageorgiou and Ioannis Papamichail |
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Estimating Traffic Signal Settings and Queue Lengths Using Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Data |
Alireza Soltani and Mohsen Ramezani |
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Dynamic Capacity Estimation for Link Selection in Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) Modeling |
Syed Muzammil Abbas Rizvi and Bernhard Friedrich |
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A Spatial Data-Driven Approach for Evaluating Public Transport Efficiency: Evidence from Athens, Greece |
Parmenion Delialis, Orfeas Karountzos and Konstantinos Kepaptsoglou |
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